Joint events - Q&A

Call for Expression Of Interest for Joint Events with ENISA 2009

Questions & Answers 

  • Why does ENISA publish this call for Expression of interest for joint events?
    An important activity for ENISA is the organization of events and conferences. Due to logistical constraints and our desire to promote NIS, we are seeking to partner with Member State events in which ENISA can provide support, synergy effects, visibility, the right target audience, logistics and content by co-organizing together with a local partner.
  • How does ENISA define a “joint event”?
    ENISA define a "Joint Event" as any event where ENISA have a certain degree of involvement.
  • With whom does ENISA involve itself in join events?
    ENISA involve itself in events we deem as likely to provide high visibility in Europe. ENISA join both NIS events and general ICT events. As ENISA has limited resources, we have to target and to balance our engagements and unfortunately, we cannot participate in all events. For this reason, the submitted proposals will be evaluated by ENISA for suitability according to specific criteria.
  • What criteria are used by ENISA to make a decision about which events to join?
    Evaluation of events is, in brief, based on two categories: Quality of the event and ENISA Involvement.
  • Is it possible to reapply if my event is not selected one year?
    Yes. Each year ENISA screens and evaluates events suitable for ENISA involvement. Not being selected one year does not impact future calls of interest. There may be a phase- in as well as a phase-out of ENISA involvement in any event, so all interested parties may apply without preference or prejudice to any event.
  • When is the deadline to express interest for joint events?
    The call is open all year so there is no deadline. However, the Agency has scarce resources and for organizational reasons needs to plan well in advance. As a consequence, expressions of interest later in the year,  where ENISA is asked to be greatly involved, may be rejected due to lack of resources.
  • When will ENISA announce which events they will join 2009?
    The selection procedure is ongoing as we receive expressions of interests. We aim to respond as soon as possible after having received a submission. It may take up to two weeks though.  
  • Is it possible to invite an ENISA Expert as a speaker instead of a joint event?
    Apart from involving in joint events, ENISA Experts will of course continue to participate as speakers at events.
  • How do I express my interest of making a joint event with ENISA?
    An Application Form has to be filled in.
  • Does ENISA sponsor joint events?
    No, ENISA has no budget to use for sponsoring events in 2009.
  • How do I submit my Expression of Interest?
    Please send your proposals to the attention of Mr Kjell Kalmelid.